Leicestershire has a rich industrial heritage; the textiles industry has left a lasting impression on the cities, towns and people, and the region remains a leading UK textiles manufacturing hub. This event delivers against Leicestershire’s Local Industrial Strategy textiles focus of upskilling the local textiles workforce and introducing new technologies to retain and transform this strong heritage.
Loughborough University (LU) is a leading provider of textiles design education in the UK, with academic expertise in the development of highly technical electronic and reactive textiles. Along with the acclaimed textile education and research in the School of Arts, there is strong research investigating technical textiles across the University with work on wearable electronics, antennas and sensor systems.
Come along to this 2 hours event which will offer you an insight of the research taking place at Loughborough University and the way it can support the industrial innovation and show how it can positively affect your business.
Target audience
SMEs who are looking to understand the future of textiles and upskill
Local Authorities and other public sector organisations
Dr Tincuta Heinzel, Senior Lecturer, Textiles Loughborough University
Dr Dani Strickland, Loughborough University
Dr Robert Seager, Senior Lecturer in Communications Loughborough University